Visit Karimun Jawa Island

Please Visit Karimun Jawa ISland, it is beautiful Places located on north Central java island. beautiful places for Honeymoon vacation, honeymoon trips on karimun jawa , all packa
welcome to Karimun Jawa Island . Hearing the word beach and the sea, surely that comes to mind is the Balinese, but without us knowing it is still a lot of beach and sea in Indonesia that has not been touched by human hands nosy, and still maintained its sustainability.
Karimun Java, with exceptional scenic beauty, as well as the sea and beaches that invite admiration, presenting exciting nature tours are not lost from the island of the gods.
Karimun Java is a coastal region which consists of 27 small islands in the southern island of Java. The beauty of Karimun Java makes this region used as sanctuaries or national parks are protected by the government.
Many people who want to eliminate the fatigue of city life by visiting the beautiful beaches, Karimun Java, of course, could be one option that fit perfectly. Tours are offered a special distinction from other tourist beaches.
sea ​​Tourism

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